feedback from men
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    Chanel Bleu, 57 y.o.

    Questo sito è effettivo, efficace e ben amministrato contro gli abusi. Però quando avete trovato la vostra compagna o candidata e vi siete compromessi come me per un incontro serio, toglietevi ed esigete che lei faccia altrettanto. Questa è l'unica garanzia per sapere che avrete trovato una persona seria. Se qualcuno è impegnato con voi, non deve continuare a cercare altri!
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    Chanel Bleu, 57 y.o.

    Advise to all men: this site is very good and effective to find good eastern women....but when you will find and you compromise with her for a meeting (it costs) please ask to get out from here and get out you too! This is serious!
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    Antonio, 48 y.o.

    Realmente son hermosas, dignas del genero femenino en toda su exprecion
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    Allan, 47 y.o.

    Found someone i will see
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    Beutelstetter, 50 y.o.

    Après notre rencontre le 15 décembre 2011 , voici le mariage le 23 juin 2012, et ce jour nous sommes marié et heureux depuis 6 mois , avec mon ange , merci beaucoup pour votre site internet qui a permis cette rencontre !!! Joueux Noel à tout le monde et beaucoup de bonheur !!!!
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    Francoise, 60 y.o.

    ottimo sito spero di trovare una vera compagna seria e fedele complimenti a voi...
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    Jack, 49 y.o.
    UK,Newcastle upon Tyne

    very good service
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    Evans, 34 y.o.

    i register on this site some few days back and i am hoping to fine my soul mate here, weather she is older than me or i am older than her i dont care, all i want here is soul-mate and true love and we will both happy together and be on a special place together at all time.....
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    Artur, 39 y.o.


    Artur, 39 y.o.

    Znalazłem wkońcu swoją super wymarzoną kobietę,bardzo polecam te strone.
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    Romeo, 44 y.o.

    I found what I wanted
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    Tadeusz, 43 y.o.

    Zarejestrowałem się na tę stronę około 3 miesięcy temu. Na początku podchodziłem do tej strony z przymrużeniem oka. Na początku miałem zwykły status i nie miałem zamiaru bynajmniej od razu wykupować złoty czy srebrny status. Lecz kiedy kilkanaście dni temu, znalazłem swojego Anioła, dziewczynę na którą tylko raz spojrzałem i zakochałem się, bez zastanowienia wykupiłem ZŁOTO, żeby złapać kontakt z moim pięknym Aniołkiem. Najpierw myślałem, że to zauroczenie ale teraz już wiem, że to jest miłość w którą nigdy nie wierzyłem czyli miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia. Szukajcie a znajdziecie. Proście a będzie Wam dane. A przede wszystkim musicie mieć marzenie, cel i do tego celu dążyć. Pozdrawiam i polecam tę stronkę.
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    smsm, 37 y.o.

    i hope found wife on this site , i looking for wife on this site
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    Umit, 39 y.o.

    I found someone.
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    Ken, 54 y.o.
    USA,Maryville, TN

    I have found someone on this site and am no longer looking for my special someone. I want to thank the site for making it so easy for me to search and communicate. A special thanks for those who did not select me or those I did not select because that's what this process is about, finding the one that is right for you. Good luck to all of you.
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    Joseph, 63 y.o.

    yes here thanks for good service
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    I, 36 y.o.
    USA,Palm Springs, CA

    i have found someone
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    Herman, 58 y.o.

    hallo, dear Manager, is it possible to leave a feedback with a picture from me and a woman where i still in contact again with on the site, i think it can help much peoples here!! all think that it is easy to get in contact with a woman.. in my case a woman from Moscow, i don't remember how much messages i got here 8000 - 10.000 - 12.000 in the 5 times that i was on your good site---- i realy get in contact with a honest woman, you need normal to speak much on skype or by phone, i spend much money on skype for this kind woman ( 900 euro )?? , but the must important is to see each other - that woman was 3 times in Belgium in my appartment - i tread here like a real lady , i cooked all day nice food for her, let her see Flanders- so i was in Moscow in october- much peoples don't know what you have to do to get a visa??? i was 5 times in Brussels for this!!! Russia is not the same country as my country, other culture, all is so different!! you need much time-- it is not possible for me to be married in 6 or 12 months!!! i need to know a woman for 2 years before i can married that woman!! so all is not easy - whe did all whe could to be friendly, kind and honest to each other, even i have send my salary and private things to this woman.. Men and women have to be very honest against each other. For me it's not possible to married a woman very quickly!! normal you have to live a time together. I see here married peoples, but happend after this?? is that woman lucky in a strange country?? I think it is the meaning to make someone happy and lucky and not unlucky- There are so much things before you can start a marriage-- I don't like to make someone unlucky!! May be after a time when someone (women) leaves there countrys they like to go back-- I know this site very good, i did my best to give all women a answer, with a picture, but i better did'nt do it!! I am still in contactt with a very honest and kind woman, so a kind and honest woman i will never meet again in my life, i am sure about this-- but i think that men here must take a plain and go see a woman. My first date was in Riga, that woman had a Shengen Visa and she could come to me!!! so she knew that i was honest and a kind man, i have send her all day pictures from my life, what i was doing in my life, may be 2000 !!! this is very important i think so--I have seen here so much kind and honest women, but i know i don't have to make contact with a woman from Siberie, that is not possible for me, it's to cold there, now - 40 !! all those things are important and peoples don't think on it, that is my impression, a luck that i speak 5 languages and my girlfriend understand Englich, that is also a big probleme, the language! At last, so much women think that the West are paradises, i am sorry , same day i work 10 - 14 hours please! money don't hang in trees here, because i see feedback from women who ask can you live with 250 E a month? in Ukraine, i am sorry, i pay 60 euro in a month for internet, there 10$? ALL IS VERY EXPENSIVE HERE!! GAZ - OIL-- I DONT REGRET THAT HAVE MEET AND THAT I STILL HAVE CONTACT WITH HELENA!! BUT WHE FIGHT FOR IT! Of course whe have problems?? where to live and other things, so once again it's not so easy believe me-- WHE HAVE SO MUCH LOVE FOR EACH OTHER BUT IT MUST BE POSSIBLE ALSO!! BOTH WHE ARE SICK SOMETHIMES! but i think that soon or later i gonna married this woman, sorry 2 years contact and see each other all day on SKYPE and talking hours, you can't forget this at once !! i realy hope that i can put my picture and feedback!! For Ukraine i don't need a visa, men and women have to talk when they meet each other- very important !! Whe can't nearly not live without each other, whe try no to find a solution to be together, now very cold in Russia, here much warmer! I mean you need to think on so much things, once again, the meaning is to be happy and not unlucky, i have seen very kind woman here , but also very much liars, only for money, but this is not on the faces , not from men and women, it is for money?? sorry , nothing for this man... I looked here for real love and a marrige and a family life, i hope i will come, so i will take more than 2 years please, and whe have seen each other 5 times, first time a week in RIGA , than Helena was 3 times here with me, all very good, than i was in october 14 days in Moscow, cost all much money, i think peoples forget this-- so i think i have been always very honest and kind to women on the site, but not all women are here with good attention!! sorry that i must write this! I think i got very much luck to meet that swee Helena from Moscow, i have realy never seen in my life so a kind and honest woman, but i am the same, open , honest and very kind with very much patientie, what is not easy all the time!! and faithfull- please can i put this in the feedback??? because same people have a bad idea what i wrote, it was not fraud!! i only spend so much money, Riga, she here 3 times, and than i to Moscow, visa 170 euro, plain 275 euro -- and when when Helena was in AALST BELGIUM she don't had to pay for food,, i pay those things, that is looking for real love, that is the meaning of my message to you ! never give it up- but women who are so long on this site? i think they will never find someone, TO BE HONEST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT I THINK SO! I READ HERE SO STRANGE STORYS FROM WOMEN WATH MEN DID!! this is very unfair, i was on the airoport after Helena and i had flowers by me to give to her, i have a video from it! believe my story , or story could nearly be a movie, full of romantic things, please put it and i send a picture from the both of us, i would so a shame when i never must see Helena in my life, she is always in my mind, if ever it stop for good, i need much months to forget all!! that is what i call real love and friendship, and help each other in good and bad days, thank you, DE ROP HERMAN, AALST BELGIUM!! sorry i got to much messages , i am 191 cm and i give a answer at a woman from 1.50 cm and than that woman was sad, next time i will never give answer, but i have a very little heart and i hope that much men and women found a partner here, but THEY HAVE TO FIGHT FOR IT ! believe me please, regard, Herman-- sory i forgot something to write, you have a very good site, but 1 thins is very pitty, all can download your pictures, once a woman send me here a message, Herman, i got pictures from you from another man, that is sad to read, and this is not all, i think i was on 10 - 15 other site, men or women made me a profile on those sites, this very sad very me, sorry i don't like this - at last , i have 10.000 pictures on my computer from all, 200 videos, as prouve, even you can send a profile like this to all peoples over the world???? no fine - who you can't trust here, so much women and men, i see always the same women and men, in those contest and on the site! all the time i got contacts enough in a month that i was on this site! even i deleted my profile once in august 2009 for a woman, whe have to pay each time, but women can stay here for free all life!!! i don't care about that money, but sorry i can't stay here a year like this!! i don't real understand this dear Manager , HONESTY !! VERY IMPORTANT, thank you once again what you did for me when i was on the site, not always easy, i begin to be afraid that they download my pictures and put me on sites that i realy don't like, i changed alreaady my addresses 3 times for this , regards Herman-- whatever will happen, Helena will have a place in my heart for all my life and when she needs me, i go help her, be sure about this
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    Jose, 44 y.o.
    Chile,Region de Antofagasta

    estas mujeres son lejos las mas bellas que e visto gracias por dejarme entyrar a su pagina grcias a uds conseguire mi futura mujer
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    Rob, 47 y.o.
    USA,Wailuku, HI


    Aleksandra, 28 y.o.

    i am married to russian woman i met on this website
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    Jay, 28 y.o.
    USA,Puyallup, WA

    found someone
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